Sunday, January 16, 2011


S now always makes me happy. It doesn't bother me to drive in it. I just like it. I love it when it falls at night and makes thing incredibly still. It makes you want to wear a sweater and put on your warmest socks and settle in for some coco. It baffles me that people can live in warmer climates and not miss Snow as part of the season of winter. I need to see it fall and cover the ground. I need to see the icicles hanging from the eves. I need to see the mitten laying on the heater vents to dry out. It is part of my life now. Maybe that is why I'm so drawn to the work of NED YOUNG. He captures that feeling of snow. His paintings of old homes, with snow men or sleighs in the front yard, take me back to a time when snow brought that joy to this kid. Me.

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