One mans attempt at being a Husband, Father and a Designer all at the same time.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Titanic 2 ?????? WHY? WHY ? WHY!
Watch this and see if you are as apalled as I was. They couldn't just leave it alone.
Is this a bad joke? Surely they could not have made this film for real?? I am totally as appalled as you are...and disgusted...and will certainly not go and see it. What bad taste....
I researched this and it's a parody that this guy put together using over 20 different film clips, etc. It was too weird to be real, thank goodness! Maybe Hollywood does have some standards??
Is this a bad joke? Surely they could not have made this film for real?? I am totally as appalled as you are...and disgusted...and will certainly not go and see it. What bad taste....
LOL, that was hilarious. Some people have too much free time on their hands.
I think this is one I will have to pass up!!!
I researched this and it's a parody that this guy put together using over 20 different film clips, etc. It was too weird to be real, thank goodness! Maybe Hollywood does have some standards??
I am sure you heard already but this is just a very well put together soon as I heard the clip form the Abyss I knew!!!
Scared me for a sec though!
Mertry Christmas!!
Too funny! I especially like the bit from Romeo and Juliet with Leo in the full metal costume.
Sandy B.
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