I had an inquiry about the Waxed leaves that I used on the 2004 table. I just dipped them in paraffin wax. It brings out the color and makes them last a bit longer. you need to let it cool between dips. the more you dip, the more cloudy the finish gets. Which works great for more of a frosty Christmas look as seen above. I only dipped twice to keep the colors bright for the Thanksgiving table.
Lovely, what a great idea. I'll have to keep that for next year - all our leaves are long gone!
Thanks, thats a great idea for preserving nature and giving it a sparkly look. Thanks also for Grandmas China elements and brushes. You have done a great job on those.
Love the look of your blog and the soothing music - it's great.
Holy Canoly!!! I looooooove that arrangement. Can you get any cooler?????
Love all of it!!!!
This is really cool...something to try if I can find the pine cones and the leaves.
Thanks for the tip.
Wow, this is so cool!! Did you dip the cones to get the frosty look on them? I love the log candle holders!
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